“For a subject that has been worked and reworked so often in novels, motion pictures, and television, American Indians are the least understood and the most misunderstood Americans of us all.”
John F. Kennedy - 1963
Native Renaissance
Native America’s Destiny is at a crucial crossroads and time is of the essence for Native people to develop a strategic plan to control of their future through education, political solidarity, and economic independence.
Native people have made tremendous progress in recent decades toward self-determination, but they are still the poorest race of people in the United States regarding health, education and welfare.
A handful of tribes with casinos near large populations have prospered but the vast majority pay the bills, provide some tribal employment and construct limited infrastructure improvements.
Generational Urban Migration
I was born on the Isabella Indian Reservation, and I am an enrolled member of the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Michigan. I have lived long enough to be considered a Tribal Elder.
Life’s circumstances led to migration from the Isabella Indian Reservation to Phoenix, Arizona. My journey, with the daunting trials and tribulations of adaptation, is typical for the millions of Indian people who have migrated (80%) from reservations to cities, usually for education and job opportunities. (More detail about the journey in About the Author)
I built a successful career in civil engineering and construction in Arizona. I worked for consulting engineers designing interstate freeways and bridges for 13 years and then qualified for a General Engineering Contractor license. I became a Pipeline contractor and most of my work was for the Indian Health Service on Indian reservations in Arizona.
Generational Blood Quantum Dilution
Indian people have been mixing inter-tribally for thousands of years and inter-racially for at least 500 years.
During World War I and World War II, Indians volunteered in disproportionately large numbers, and many distinguished themselves during military service. Indian veterans had now seen the world outside of the reservations and many took advantage of veteran educational benefits. Diminished social stigma and mobility increased Indian inter-racial admixture.
In the 1990s, when Indian casinos began to prosper, the interest in establishing an Indian connection increased dramatically. Everyone who has a remote Indian ancestor wants to be recognized and enrolled if possible.
According to the 2020 US Census, self-identified Native people are only 3% of the US population.
At least 50% of Native people do not marry other Natives. (Some sources that say the % is much higher!)
When all these components are factored into the equation, it becomes apparent that generational blood quantum dilution is inevitable and a danger to the future of Native America.
The question has been asked: “Why don’t Native people marry other Native people?”
In affairs of the heart and the heat of the moment, young hormones do not have much regard for tribal affiliation or blood quantum!
The Last Chippewa
My Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe enrollment was difficult and frustrating. I am still trying to get my two children enrolled and have not been successful. If tribal enrollment is not changed, I will be the last Chippewa in my family!
It is immoral that children and grandchildren are denied the tribal recognition of their parents and grandparents!
This experience has caused me to be deeply concerned about the future of Native America and has led me to ask the rhetorical question: “Are we programmed for extinction?”
Whether by inadvertent politics or insidious US Government design, eventually the result is the same!
Thus, the book: "Native American Destiny" and Study Guide.
Native Destiny?
The future of Native people will be determined by politicians in Congress. The next battles will be won or lost by attorneys and politicians whose weapons are legal briefs and laptop computers. The skirmishes will be fought in courtrooms and political battles waged in Congressional committees that do not know much about Native people and have even less empathy.
The US Government can no longer use blunt force trauma of the sword, but the thrust of a Congressional rapier will be so smooth that Native people will hardly know they have been mortally wounded, until the damage has been done.
Urban migration coupled with Blood Quantum requirements for tribal enrollment are generational time bombs quietly ticking in Indian Country!
In addition, there are some 50 Anti-Indian hate groups hard at work to terminate tribes and their reservations. It has happened before, and it will happen again!